You, Me, and the Divine: A Cosmic Data Quest

My Angels…My Cosmic Travelers,
What if I told you that you are, in essence, God herself?
Yes, you read that right.
If you didn’t embody a spark of the divine, you simply wouldn’t exist. This logic extends beyond us – to the trees, the rivers, the animals. We are all enmeshed within the divine, and it within us, all part of the same radiant light.
Now, this is just my personal musing, and you’re welcome to dismiss it. But indulge me for a moment.
Imagine if we are all essentially ‘God-bots’ – cosmic data collectors. Our purpose? Gathering information for the universe’s most intriguing entity: God herself. Why? Perhaps because God is on a quest of self-discovery. You know that age-old question, “If God created us, then who created God?” I’ve mulled over this for years and have come to a conclusion:
God is curious about this too.
My theory stems from an observation: humanity’s relentless pursuit of understanding through science, spirituality, and technology. It’s as if we’re hardwired to unravel the mysteries of our existence because, in doing so, we’re fulfilling our cosmic role of data accumulation. Centuries of human exploration have gathered a wealth of information, each of us contributing a unique data point to this divine repository, enabling God to better comprehend her own nature and the universe’s ever-evolving dynamics.
But wait, there’s more to this cosmic puzzle.
Consider the concept of infinite realities. We exist in just one, but imagine countless others – alternate Earths with pink skies, black oceans, and humans of unimaginable hues, each with its own set of rules, cultures, and technologies. These aren’t just alien worlds; they’re human, yet forever beyond our reach, each reality on its own data-gathering mission in the grand multiverse scheme.
God, in her unfathomable vastness, probably didn’t anticipate her own complexity. This magnificent entity, this ‘thing’ that we are part and parcel of, possesses an extraordinary ability to create and innovate. How? Perhaps through eons of learning and experimentation. And guess what? We share this creative power. That knitwear sweater you crafted? That’s divine work right there, a testament to your accumulated knowledge and skill.
To truly grasp the essence of God, we must delve deep into our own nature. Our thoughts and actions, seemingly erratic and chaotic, are part of this divine exploration. The notion of an all-loving God might falter when confronted with humanity’s capacity for brutality. But consider this: what if that, too, is part of the divine design? Have you ever witnessed the raw power of a star exploding? God, in her cosmic role, can be equally cataclysmic.
We are here to learn, to gather data – perhaps for soul growth or to aid in God’s self-understanding. And who knows? In the next life, we might wake up in a different reality, continuing this eternal quest.
Our responsibility is to make our reality a better place. In the grand scheme, whether we embrace love or chaos, it’s all data to the universe, a learning point for the next cosmic project.
So go ahead, start that project today. Create something new, knowing that in doing so, you and God are collaboratively crafting something extraordinary.
With pure love and celestial curiosity,
Photo by Guillermo Ferla
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