Why the Art world is the way it is…

The answer, my angels, is quite simple: People!
Now, before you accuse me of harboring animosity towards our fellow brethren, let me assure you, I hold no personal qualms with them. However, let us call a spade a spade, shall we?
The zeal to colonize, control, and manipulate burns fiercely, yet it remains shrouded in secrecy. The ability to offer aid while simultaneously draining our very souls is a talent they possess in spades, though it too remains cloaked in obscurity. The sense of entitlement to things beyond their own dominion is palpable, scarcely concealed, if you ask me. These are the fundamental foundations upon which the art world has been erected.
To lowball creatives while overzealously peddling their art? Tragic. Art as a vessel for tax evasion and wealth hoarding? Impressive, I must admit. The glorification of art by those no longer among the living? Odd and questionable, to say the least… Only to turn around and drive hyper-profits from these dealers, creating a small pool of the already obscenely rich rendered even more obscenely so. (A controversial stance, I acknowledge, and one for which I should perhaps fear for my well-being.)
Many of these dealings are shady and invisible, but through the world of public auctioning, we catch a glimpse of this realm, merely skimming the surface, never truly seeing what lies beneath.
With wealth amassed over centuries of plunder and thievery, one might wonder why they do not simply become artists themselves, with all that resource and potential to create whatever their hearts desire. Alas, no, that is not what transpires here. The ultra-wealthy do not while away their days crafting art; instead, they prefer to acquire it, for they profess to love art so dearly. And with art being a realm of such subjective pricing, the victor is he who can manipulate the game most adroitly.
I do not mean to call anyone out directly, but these truths must be spoken. I hail from a world where a long line of artists fight and claw their way into these hallowed rooms, seeking validation and a meal ticket, but at whose expense? Many remain blissfully unaware of the games afoot, blinded by hunger. I know this all too well, for I have walked that path myself, and I would gladly do so again if need be.
At this juncture, I fear I am merely rambling, but my point stands: we require a new approach to handling art, selling art, and buying art – a paradigm devoid of archaic practices. I use the term “archaic” loosely, for this is the only system we have ever known, still in use today. Yet, what if it were different? How did our ancestors handle art in ages past? How did artists survive pre-colonization?
We must begin asking these questions if we wish to endure. As the saying goes, the hand that feeds you wields the power to starve you.
With pure love,
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