Patrick Chuka
Patrick Chuka



Creative Director

Patrick Chuka



Creative Director

Blog Post

Why do we exist?

21 Apr 2024 Life
Why do we exist?

We exist to love.

Ah, the eternal quest for purpose! It’s a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma, with a side of existential dread for garnish. At various junctures in our whirlwind existence, we’ve all donned the detective’s hat, attempting to crack the case of “Why on Earth am I here?” Through my voracious reading on the topic, a recurring theme has emerged: those who stumble upon their purpose often unearth it in the fertile ground of their passions. It’s not merely about indulging in what tickles your fancy, but also about extending your hand, heart, and freshly-baked croissant to those you hold dear.

Ah, baking! My sanctuary of flour, butter, and sugar. While some may argue my calling is to be a purveyor of pastries, I find my true bliss in the smiles my culinary creations evoke. Baking, a labor of love, demands a cocktail of patience, precision, and a sprinkle of magic. It’s a dance of the senses, crafting treats that are a feast for the eyes, a symphony for the nose, and a ballet for the taste buds. In sharing these confections, I weave a little more joy and beauty into the tapestry of the world. My purpose? To be a maestro of happiness, one decadent dessert at a time.

Before you get any ideas, no, I’m not plotting to launch the next big bakery empire. Rather, I’d like you to marinate on this notion indefinitely.

Our contemporary circus, ladies and gentlemen, is decidedly off-kilter. My peers and I are slowly awakening to the notion that we may have crash-landed on a bizarre alternate timeline where animosity is the soup du jour, exploitation a social pastime, and compassion an endangered species. This isn’t a soapbox moment or a bid for sainthood—I’m acutely aware that many of these behaviors stem from deep-seated wounds. “Hurt people hurt people,” as the adage goes. Like everyone, I navigate my own shadows, but it begs the question, “What’s our raison d’être?”

It’s ludicrous to suggest our sole purpose is to marinate in a stew of mutual destruction.

Here’s a thought: perhaps we’re here to embody love, to offer it freely and to welcome it with open arms. A utopian dream? Guilty as charged. Yet, why not champion the highest form of human expression in the face of adversity? Must we always default to anger and pettiness at the slightest provocation?

Admittedly, not every day is a hallmark of universal benevolence, and yes, there are individuals who will push your buttons with unparalleled expertise. But opting for love carves a path to a richer existence.

The perks? Oh, they’re plentiful. Good karma for starters, followed by a magnetic attraction to fellow kindred spirits. Your world becomes a more loving place, simply because you chose to don your rose-tinted glasses. Purpose and service go hand in hand, a synergy impossible to achieve if your worldview is tainted with cynicism. Mastering self-love sets you ablaze with a glow that’s hard to ignore, drawing abundance into your orbit like bees to honey. Love, as they say, conquers all—a mantra more potent in numbers.

Beware the media’s narrow depiction of love as purely romantic escapades. While heart-fluttering and soul-stirring, true love transcends—it’s the quintessence of our being, a force unparalleled, residing within us all, awaiting activation.

To distill it down: what Jesus (and every other messenger of love) was trying to hammer home is our intrinsic nature of love. Our prime directive? To spread it far and wide. Until we embrace this truth, we’re all just passengers on the universal roller coaster of chaos, strapped in for another loop-de-loop of collective folly.

With a heart brimming with unadulterated love,


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