Patrick Chuka
Patrick Chuka




Patrick Chuka




Blog Post

Welcome to Thoughts & Prayers

14 Jan 2024 Thoughts
Welcome to Thoughts & Prayers


“Every morning when I roll out of bed, I clock in for my daily gig in the circus of life!”

Hi! I am Patrick Chukwuka Onyejiaka, “commercially” known as Patrick Chuka. I am a creative. Currently, I’m embarking on a new phase of my life and career, where I’ll be embracing new themes, mediums, and fresh concepts.

Why a Blog tho?

I’ve always been drawn to blogging as an art form. I started my first blog at 17: Although I didn’t get too far with it, I believe now is a better time in my life to revisit this passion.

I also want my website to be the primary landing spot for my art, especially as I begin to share more intimate works with you all.

I have a habit of creating elaborate art pieces and never sharing them, be it writing or drawing, mainly because I worry they’ll be misunderstood or taken out of context. So, I often hold back, which is natural for many artists, I’d say. However, after some introspection, I’ve realized I’m past that phase. Judge away! My art, in all its forms, is a piece of me, and I believe it’s my responsibility to create a truly safe space where my he(art) can live, grow, and be valued.

However, this isn’t going to be a diary. I have boundaries regarding what I am willing to share. Topics will mostly revolve around art, identity, spirituality, and mental health. I’m not an expert on any of these subjects and may never be. But, half of my day is spent learning about these topics, and I simply want to share my findings and exchange perspectives with you, so we can both grow through this practice.

Welcome to “Thoughts & Prayers.”

Thanks for signing up for my email list.

Stay with me on this journey.



Photo by Irina Iriser on Unsplash

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