Patrick Chuka
Patrick Chuka




Patrick Chuka




Blog Post

Self Care for Creatives

25 Feb 2024 Life
Self Care for Creatives

Dear Angels,

The topic of self-care for artists is seldom addressed. Many artists I’ve encountered are unaware of its importance. The allure of working through the night, bypassing breaks, and neglecting meals is strong. Amidst intense creative phases, food often becomes an afterthought. What about social interactions? For many, they’re virtually absent. And family life? It’s precariously balanced. One has to wonder, why do we subject ourselves to this?

My journey towards self-care began when I recognized the detrimental effects these habits were having on my health and well-being. The consequences—sleep deprivation, perpetual stress, lack of downtime—were numerous and alarming. It was imperative for me to find a balance; to continue my artistic pursuits without the constant fear of falling ill or experiencing burnout.

Here are some self-care insights I’ve gleaned over time, which have significantly enhanced my health and overall well-being:

  • Prioritize Sleep: The desire to work late into the night on a piece can be overwhelming. But at what cost? Achieving success doesn’t mean compromising sleep.
  • Skincare Routine: While some may view it as superficial, confidence is a cornerstone of producing great work. A consistent skincare regimen can be the foundation upon which your confidence thrives, leading to superior work quality.
  • Explore New Hobbies: During the pandemic, I, like many, delved into baking. Beyond its artistic aspect, baking offers tangible joy—there’s nothing like savoring a cake you’ve crafted from scratch. Diversifying sources of pleasure is beneficial for any artist.
  • Embrace Love: Whether it’s caring for a plant, adopting a pet, or cherishing a simple rock, nurturing love is the genesis of creativity.
  • Healthy Eating: Proper nutrition fuels both mental and physical energy, vital for artistic endeavors. Even incorporating a single nutritious item in your diet can make a difference.
  • Stay Active: My commitment to fitness has enhanced my stamina, focus, and resilience. Whether it’s doing push-ups or cycling, any form of activity contributes positively.
  • Self-Date Nights: Occasionally spending time alone can bolster self-worth, which invariably reflects in your artwork. My fond memories of wandering Lagos’s streets in search of suya are testament to this.
  • Regular Medical Check-ups: Ensuring your health is in check is paramount. If consistent check-ups are out of reach, prioritize a clean diet.
  • Maintain a Clean Environment: A tidy workspace fosters efficiency. By keeping my surroundings clutter-free, I’ve found clarity of thought.
  • Financial Well-being: Wealth isn’t a prerequisite. Utilize tools like Notion or Excel to monitor and manage your finances effectively.
  • Take Mental Breaks: Allocate a day for rest, especially if you’re constantly on the go.
  • Travel and Exploration: New environments stimulate creativity. It needn’t be extravagant—a simple trip to a local beach or an unexplored part of town can suffice.
  • Journaling: Documenting aspirations and goals can offer unparalleled clarity and direction.

In conclusion, during my self-imposed introspection, these practices have aided me in navigating a sometimes uncaring world.

With pure love,


Photo by Jen P. on Unsplash

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