Patrick Chuka
Patrick Chuka




Patrick Chuka




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The Cosmic Conspiracy to Keep You Traumatized, Tired and Enslaved

12 Mar 2024 Spirituality
The Cosmic Conspiracy to Keep You Traumatized, Tired and Enslaved

The Trauma Train: All Aboard to Darkness?

Lurking in the shadows, unseen by mortal eyes, exist dark energies and entities – malicious forces hellbent on hijacking your childhood innocence. Like parasites, they inhabit the empty vessels of once-traumatized children, using them as Trojan horses to infiltrate your psyche.

Left unchecked, these sinister forces wage an invisible war, systematically dismantling you from the inside out. Their sole purpose? To break your spirit, transforming you into a docile cog – ripe for energy harvesting by the soul-crushing capitalist machine. A cog that doesn’t fight back, think for itself, question the status quo, or ignite the spark of rebellion. Instead of unleashing your unique radiance upon the world, you drown in a torrent of fear and trauma, extinguishing your inner light.

And who are the unwitting hosts for these dark entities? Why, none other than our parents, teachers, doctors, and leaders – powerful beings oblivious to their possession, succumbing to their inner woundings.

Fear not, my friends, for I offer you an escape route! Bravely confront your childhood demons, stare unflinchingly into the eyes of the enemy, and recognize their ploy to make you weaker, fragile, bitter, sad, and scared – the antithesis of your true, radiant self. Awaken to your inherent power and heal from the curses that bind you, for you possess the ability to mend yourself through herbal remedies, nurturing relationships, somatic practices, and the indomitable power of self-love!

We are powerful beings who have graced this Earth to experience “Life” – a precious gift found nowhere else in the cosmos, making our world a true garden of Eden (or so it was meant to be). Mother Earth is a loving yet stern teacher, and we have come to learn her ways, gaining profound wisdom not just about ourselves but about the luminous source that animates all realities and dimensions. From the intricate dance of cellular machinery to the vast, miraculous oceans, the microcosm reflects the macrocosm – as within, so without; as above, so below. This experience of life is indeed precious, but as with all treasures, it comes at a cost. To find the light, we must brave the darkness. To feel love, we must know pain. The duality of our earthly existence is a crucible for the lessons we came here to learn.

Alas, these entities despise us, seeking to subvert the rules governing our education by exploiting a loophole. Upon incarnating on Earth, we relinquish our prior knowledge, arriving in a state of euphoric wonder and “color,” ready to explore and thrive. It is at this vulnerable moment that the entities viciously attack, turning our human limitations and evolutionary constraints against us, trapping us in a perpetual state of panic, fear, anxiety, pain, loss, bitterness, and suffering. Thus programmed with false beliefs about our true nature, we project that distortion into the world, perpetuating a endless cycle of misery.

Now, no one truly experiences life as intended, and happiness remains elusive. Wars rage across Europe, capitalism reaches obscene new heights of wealth hoarding and extreme poverty, and all we do is work, work, work, work – too exhausted at the end of our shifts to think or mobilize. Too sad from our traumas to heal and build community. And then, the distractions: our phones constantly vying for our attention, celebrities becoming the focal point of our lives, every global disaster broadcasted while good news is minimized or ignored entirely.

This is precisely what the enemy desires – their insidious strategy. Anyone who dares speak of this is swiftly struck down or coerced into the fold through pain, anguish, and coercion, as these entities use human vessels to carry out their bidding.

In the end, nobody wins. Everyone loses. Everyone suffers. Everyone seeks therapy. Everyone remains oblivious, chasing goals and status that fail to align with our soul’s purpose or the very reason we came to this planet – to simply “BE” as Human Beings!

Wake up, my friends! Do not let the pains of your childhood, which you refuse to face or worse, minimize, be the reason our world sinks deeper into darkness. Look at it, understand how it has shaped you. Stop running from yourself. Address the pain. Find help. Help yourself. Love yourself. Stare defiantly into the darkness and spit in its face. Be fearless, for the real fight begins within, and the war was waged against you from the moment you took your first breath on this planet. But do not be afraid, for hope endures, and the light is always on your side.

This is an urgent message, dear ones!

With love, Chu

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1 Comment
  • ginika1000 7:57 am 13 Mar 2024

    Nice one Chu

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